Omorogieva Osasere
Amanda is a current beneficiary of the Bedrock Tetiary Scholarship.
Lighthouse Polytechnic student and Bedrock Scholarship beneficiary.
Matriculation picture
Bedrock Foundation beneficiary celebrating her matriculation at the University of Benin.
University of Benin student celebrating her matriculation.
Samuel Joseph
Elo Precious
Benjamin Odiase
Patricia Ewansiha
Matriculation Day
Emmanuella Olu-Ighama
Rita Osedumme
Osagie Osazee
Beauty Igbinomwhanhia
Joan Ejomah
Stephen Osayande
Some of our scholarship beneficiaries at Cornerstone of Hope Orphanage, Benin City.
Cornerstone Orphanage
The Ogbadibo project is our maiden scholarship programme (2013)under the secondary category of the Bedrock Educational programme.
In 2014, Bedrock kicked off this support. Some Cornerstone Orphanage beneficiaries posing with their results.